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Jeff Holdaway


Feature Film Credits:
Queen of Carthage - (location audio)[dir Mardana Mayginnes, 2014 ]
A Song of Good - (location audio)[dir Greg King, Prod Headstrong / Robbers Dog, 2007] 

The Devil Dared Me To - (location audio)[dir Chris Stapp, Prod: Headstrong, Varicam, 2006] www.devildaredmeto. com
Woodenhead - (studio audio recordist) [ dir Florian Habitch; digital video 2002] 

Liebestraume - (location audio & sound mix) [dir Florian Habitch; digital Beta; 1999]

Documentary Credits:
Land of the Long White Cloud - (location sound)[dir Florian Habitch, digital, 2009] title/land-of-the-long-white-cloud-2009
There Once Was an Island - (location sound) shot on location in Papua New Guinea [dir Briar March, digital, 2009]
An Ordinary Person - (location/sound mix)[dir Susan Potter, digital, 2009]
No Nukes is Good Nukes - (sound mix)[dir Claudia Pond Eyely, digital, 2007]
Departure & Return - (location/sound mix)[dir Claudia Pond Eyely, digital, 2006]
An Absoute Rush - (location audio)[dir Renee Lang, digital, 2006]
White Hart - (location audio)[dir Terry Urbann, digital, 2006]
Chapter & Verse - (sound mix)[dir Alex Montieth, 90min, 16mm 2005]
Allie Eagle and Me - (location audio & mix)[dir Briar March; digital video, 2003]
Behaviors of the Backpacker - (dialouge mixer) [dir Sandor Lau; digital video;2003]
Kaikohe Demolition - (location audio & mastering) [dir Florian Habitch; digital video;2002]

Television Series Credits:
Bogan Family Films- (location sound)[prod GSTV / Video Nasties, digital, 2009]
C4 Jonos New Show 2009- (location sound)[prod C4 Musicworks, 2009]
Amazing Extraordinary Friends 360 - (location sound)[dir Peter Haynes, digital, 2008] 

A Thousand Apologies - (location sound)[prod GSTV, digital, 2008]
Back of the Y: Series 3 - (location sound)[prod GSTV, digital, 2007]
MTV NZ - (location audio)[prod MTV Australia, 2006]

Short Film & Music Video Credits:
The Red House - (location audio)[dir Alyx Duncan, digital video, 2009]
Hear No Evil (location audio)[dir Peter O Donahue, digital video, 2008]
Second Coming- (location sound)[prod The Low Down Concept, digital, 2007]
Little Love - animation (sound mix)[dir Tintin Li, Digital, 2006]
Pleasant Concrete - short (location audio)[Toolbox Films, 15min, 35mm,2005]
Glassmans Night - short (location audio)[dir Ben Rood, 16mm, 2005]
Heavy Jones Trio “Free”- music video (theatre lighting & DMX technician)[dir Ivan Slavov, 16mm, 2004]
Pandora - dance film (location audio)[dir Alyx Duncan, digital video, 2004]
WBC “Get Over It”- music video (theatre lighting & DMX technician)[dir Ivan Slavov, 16mm, 2004]
Sara J “Bounz To It” - music video (production technician) [dir Ivan Slavov,16mm, 2004]
Katchafire “Bounce” - music video (location & incidental sound)[IFCONZ: digibeta 2004]
You Alien - short film for Hong Kong television (location audio)[line prod Alex Lee - Escapade Films: Digital Video, 2003]
Goodnight Nurse “Loner” - music video (audio recordist)[dir Ivan Slavov:35mm, 2003]
Katchafire “Colour Me life” - music video(audio post production)[dir Ivan Slavov: 35mm and digital animation,2003] Embers - short film (location audio)[dir Marc Laureano, prod Chris Payne; 16mm colour, 2003]
Fish -short film (location audio & mix)[dir Dominic Hannah; digital video, 2003]
WBC - music video (audio recordist) [dir Ivan Slavlov; 16mm colour, 2003]
Too Close - dance film (music, director) [chorographer Willa Gordon,16mm colour; 2003]
Hole - short film (location audio) [ dir Prue Cunningham; digital video; 2003]
Nightlife - short (location audio) [dir Miriam Smith; DVcam; 2002]
Harry & Peter - short (location audio) [dir Helena Brooks; 16mm colour; 2002] bigscreen/harrypeter_nb.shtml
Pause the Rising Tide - short (sound mastering for optical) [dir Alex Monteith; 16mm B&W; 2001]
Goodshirt “Good” - music video (assist dir) [dir Florian Habitch; digital;2000]
Cyber Kicks - short (sound mix) [dir Kezia Barnett; 35mm colour;1999]
Headless Chickens “Smoking Big Ted” - music video [dir J Holdaway; prod Wasted Talent / NZ on Air / Flying Nun; 16mm; 1998]
Polaar “Forevershade” - music video [dir J Holdaway; prod Wasted Talent; 35mm B&W; 1998]


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